Twenty False Friends : Common French Learning Confusions

Understanding false friends can significantly improve your language skills. These are words that look similar in French and English but have different meanings, which can lead to confusion. Recognizing these words is essential for effective French conversations and can help you avoid mistakes when speaking or writing in French.

The French term “faux amis” ou “faux-amis” was popularized by the work of Maxime Kœssler and Jules Derocquigny, “Les faux amis ou les entrails du vocabulaire anglais”, published in 1928 by Vuibert editions . The equivalent English expression is false friends.

Being aware of these tricky terms is a valuable step in your journey towards becoming more fluent in French. We are going to see a list of twenty false friends in French to avoid common learning confusions.

woman with a french book

1. What is a false friend in French ?

Words that seem similar in French and English can lead to confusion. While many words are spelled or pronounced alike, they can belong to different parts of speech or have different meanings. Although we use a lot of English words in French, French and English have hundreds of cognates in three categories :

  • True cognates: These have similar meanings.
  • False friends: These look alike but have different meanings.
  • Semi-false friends: Some aspects are similar, while others differ.

Using false friends incorrectly can lead to misunderstandings, especially in important situations like job interviews or casual conversations ! And the same goes with funny French idioms with colours.

man reading book in french library

2. False friends in French to remember: 10 examples with nouns

French Term English Meaning
(un) Coin corner
(une) Déception disappointment
(des) Fournitures supplies
(une) Grappe a bunch, cluster
(un) Habit clothes, dress
(une) Injure an insult
(une) Journée a day
(une) Location a rental
(la) Monnaie currency in coins, change
(une) Réunion a (work) meeting
(une) Tentative an attempt

3. Top False Friends in French with verbs

When learning French, it’s important to be aware of verbs that can cause confusion due to their similar appearances in English. And ko keep your vocabulary fresh and current, you might enjoy listening to podcasts like Easy French.

Here are essential false friends to keep in mind:

  • Achever means to finish, while to achieve means to succeed at something.
  • Attendre translates to wait, not to attend which means to participate.
  • Avoir envie de refers to wanting something, unlike to envy which means to be jealous.
  • Délivrer signifies to set free, not to deliver, which means to distribute.
  • Prévenir is to warn, while to prevent means to stop or avoid.
  • Rester means to stay, contrasting with to rest, which means to relax.
  • Supplier means to implore and is different from to supply, meaning to provide.
  • Surveiller means to watch, unlike to survey, which means to examine.
  • Supporter indicates to put up with, and not to support, which means to help.

Are you struggling with vocabulary in French ? Would you like to avoid these faux-amis when speaking in French with natives ? Feel free to get in touch for a personalized solution, no matter what your level is.

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