Talking about love in French
Love is a universal theme that transcends language barriers. Therefore, learning how to express these feelings can enrich your conversations in French. Let’s learn essential vocabulary and phrases that will assist you articulating your emotions. Whether it’s declaring love, asking for a romantic outing, or conveying endearments, stay tuned !
You can expect to discover various expressions, including how to say “I love you” in French, terms of affection, and key phrases that capture the essence of love in the language. This exploration will provide valuable tools for anyone looking to deepen their romantic interactions in French.

1. Saying 'I love you' in French
1.1 The French 'I love you' and its nuances
Firstly, in French, the phrase most commonly used to express love is je t’aime. Variations exist, allowing for different levels of affection:
- Je t’aime beaucoup or tellement translates to “I love you very much” or “I love you so much.”
- Je t’aime vraiment means “I truly love you.”
It’s important to note that saying Je t’aime bien conveys a meaning more akin to liking someone, indicating a friendly rather than romantic sentiment.
1.2 Additional ways to express your love
Several alternatives can also convey love in French, such as:
- Je t’adore = “I adore you.”
- Je suis fou amoureux (m)/folle amoureuse (f) de toi = “I’m crazy in love with you.”
- Tu es l’amour de ma vie = “You are the love of my life.”
- Tu comptes beaucoup/réellement pour moi = “You mean a lot to me.”
- Je te kiffe (slang) = “I think you’re cool.”
While the phrase Mon coeur bat la chamade pour toi (“my heart races for you”) is poetic, it is rarely used in modern conversation

2. Terms of affection in French
Next, to become an expert at talking in French about love, here are delightful and nicknames and heart-fluttering verbs.
2.1 Endearing Nicknames
And if you enjoy French TV series, you may already know that ‘Chouchou’ and ‘Loulou’ are famous nicknames in France. The pair face an array of hilarious situations in Un gars, une fille. However, there are a lot more affectionate nicknames to choose from, as follows :
French Term | English Translation |
Mon ange | my angel |
Mon amour | my love |
Mon bébé | my baby |
Mon chéri / ma chérie | my darling |
Mon cœur | my sweetheart |
Mon copain / ma copine | my boyfriend/girlfriend |
Mon lapin | my rabbit |
Ma moitié | my other half |
Ma puce | my sweetie |
Mon trésor | my treasure |
Chouchou, Loulou | popular affectionate nicknames |
Mon petit ami and ma petite amie technically mean boyfriend and girlfriend but are less commonly used by native French speakers, where mon copain and ma copine prevail.
2.2 Loving verbs in French
Certain verbs convey love and deep emotions in French. Here are some expressions related to romantic actions:
French Phrase | English Translation |
Avoir un coup de foudre pour quelqu’un | to experience love at first sight |
Commencer une relation | to start a relationship |
Demander la main de / demander en mariage | to propose |
Embrasser / S’embrasser | to kiss / to kiss each other |
Manquer à quelqu’un | to miss someone |
Se marier avec | to marry |
Sortir avec quelqu’un | to date someone |
Tomber amoureux de | to fall in love with |

3. Top French idioms about love
Knowing expressions about love can deepen your understanding of the French language and enhance your conversation skills. Here are some interesting French idioms that reflect various aspects of love.
- Avoir un cœur d’artichaut: Means to be someone who easily falls in love.
- Être fleur bleue: Indicates a person who is quite sentimental or romantic.
- En pincer pour quelqu’un: Describes developing a crush on someone.
- Avoir un ticket avec: Refers to having a chance of romance with someone.
- Poser un lapin: Describes the act of standing someone up on a date.
- Se prendre un râteau: Represents experiencing rejection in a romantic context.
- S’envoyer en l’air: A colloquial way to say engaging in sexual relations.
Now’s the perfect moment to apply your skills in conversations. Join me today for your first French lesson and boost your fluency with the help of a certified French teacher!