The French subjunctive

The French subjunctive is very common and has a few specificities :

  • Unlike the future or the past tenses there is no real equivalent in English. You translate it with the indicative form.

I’d like if you wait for me = j’aimerais que tu m’attendes

  • There are a lot of irregular verbs in the subjunctive and some are challenging to pronounce

I need to go to the post office = il faut que j’aille à la poste

It’s a shame he never does sports = c’est dommage qu’il ne fasse jamais de sport

  • Finally, some verbs use the indicative in the affirmative while change to subjunctive when used in the negative form. Some verbs are penser, croire, considérer,..

I think it’s a good idea = je pense que c’est une bonne idée

I don’t think it’s a good idea = je ne pense que cela soit une bonne idée

french subjunctive

A Subjective tense

However, with a bit of practice and efficient French lessons, you’ll soon be a master of the subjunctive. And remember : a lot of French people actually make mistakes when it comes to the use of subjunctive!

Table of content :

  • How to conjugate the subjunctive present
    • Regular verbs in French subjunctive
    • Irregular verbs
  • When we can use the subjunctive present
    • Different expressions using the subjunctive
      • The WEIRDO acronym
      • The 3 groups of verbs
    • The French subjunctive with conjonctions
    • Indicative or subjunctive ?
  • The past subjunctive in French
    • How to form the past subjunctive
    • Special uses of past subjunctive

How to conjugate the subjunctive

We conjugate the subjunctive the same way as for the present tense apart from nous and vous. The ending will always be identical.

All -er, -ir, and –re verbs, as well as many irregular verbs are conjugated according to this pattern:

  1. Start with the 3rd person plural present tense ils conjugation of the verb
  2. Remove the –ent to find the subjunctive stem
  3. Add the appropriate subjunctive ending: -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent

Regular Verbs in French Subjunctive

regular verbs subjunctive

Irregular verbs

Some verbs have a radical irregular but the same endings


Je fasse
Tu fasses
Il/elle/on fasse
Nous fassions
Vous fassiez
Ils / elles fassent


Je prenne
Tu prennes
Il/elle/on prenne
Nous prenions
Vous preniez
Ils / elles prennent


Je boive
Tu boives
Il/elle/on boive
Nous buvions
Vous buviez
Ils / elles boivent


J’ aille
Tu ailles
Il/elle/on aille
Nous allions
Vous alliez
Ils / elles aillent


Je sois
Tu sois
Il/elle/on soit
Nous soyons
Vous soyez
Ils / elles soient


J’ aie
Tu aies
Il/elle/on aie
Nous ayons
Vous ayez
Ils / elles aient

ATTENDRE > que j’attende

CONNAITRE > que je connaisse

DIRE > que je dise

DORMIR > que je dorme

ECRIRE > que j’écrive

ENTENDRE > que j’entende

FINIR > que je finisse

LIRE > que je lise

METTRE > que je mette

PARTIR > que je parte

POUVOIR > que je puisse

SAVOIR > que je sache

SORTIR > que je sorte

VENIR > vienne

When do we use the subjunctive

how to conjugate the french subjunctive

Different expressions using the subjunctive

The subjunctive tense is used to express ideas which are subjective or uncertain : obligation, will, emotion, doubt, possibility, necessity, judgment…

It is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by que or qui. The subjects of the main clauses are usually different.

You’ll find complete lists on internet if you like but I listed the most common ones here. It will become more obvious as you start to use more and more the subjunctive.

The acronym WEIRDO

You can group the verbs and expressions into these categories :

weirdo subjonctive acronym

Three groups of verbs at the subjunctive

Or you could use the following groups.

  1. Expression of desire, need, obligation, advice
  • Aimer que + subjunctive = to like that
  • Demander que = to ask someone to do something
  • Il faut que = it’s necessary that
  • Il est normal que = it’s normal that
  • Souhaiter que = to wish that
  • Suggérer que = to suggest that
  • Préférer que = to prefer that
  • Vouloir que = to want that

2. Expression of emotions and desire

  • Etre content que = to be happy
  • Etre déçu que = to be disappointed that
  • Etre désolé que = to be sorry that
  • Etre enchanté que = to be delighted that
  • Etre étonné que = to be amazed that
  • Etre furieux que = to be furious that
  • Etre heureux que = to be happy that
  • Etre ravi que = to be pleased to
  • Etre surpris que = to be surprised that
  • Etre triste que = to be sad that

3. Expressions of possibilities and doubt

  • C’est bien que = it’s good that
  • C’est bizarre que = it’s strange that
  • C’est curieux que = it’s odd that
  • C’est étonnant que = it’s surprising that
  • Il est important que = it’s important that
  • Il est intéressant que = it’s interesting that
  • Il est temps que = it’s time that
  • Il se peut que = it’s possible that
  • Il arrive que = it happens that

The subjunctive with conjunctions

We use the subjunctive after conjunctions that express a dependent clause:

  • à condition que = provided that
  • avant que = before
  • afin que = so that
  • bien que = although
  • jusqu’à ce que = until
  • pour que = so that
  • pourvu que = as long as
  • sans que = without / unless

The conjunction après que (after) is followed by the indicative not the subjunctive.

Le chanteur est parti après que le public l’a acclamé = The singer left after the audience cheered for him

subjonctif ou indicatif

Indicative or subjunctive ?

Did you know ? Some expressions are followed by the indicative form when used in the affirmative form. But they use the subjunctive form in the negative.

The indicative expresses a reality, something certain. Therefore, verbs of hope and belief introduce the subjunctive in the negative. The chance of the action becoming a reality is very low.

Je considère que = I consider that + indicative

Je crois que = I believe that

Je pense que = I think that

J’imagine que = I imagine that

Je suis sûre que = I’m certain that

J’ai l’impression que = I have a feeling that

Je ne considère pas que + subjunctive

Je ne crois pas que

Je ne pense pas que

Je n’imagine pas que

Je ne suis pas sûre que

Je n’ai pas l’impression que

If the same person is doing both actions, or if it’s a general statement concerning everybody, you can avoid the subjunctive and use an infinitive form.

Now let’s compare :

Il faut manger équilibré = It’s necessary to eat healthy food / balanced meals (general statement)

Il faut que tu manges équilibré = It’s necessary that you eat healthy (advice)

When not to use the Subjunctive :

You will not use the subjonctif if you are sure of something, therefore expressions like the following will use the indicative instead.

  • être certain(e) que = to be certain that
  • être sûr(e) que
  • il est certain que
  • il est clair que
  • il est évident que

Even if you are not 100% certain, if you believe something, then it will still use the indicative

  • penser que = to think that
  • croire que = to believe that

The same applies if something is probable, though not 100% certain, you will use the indicative

  • il est probable que = it is probable that

When the expressions listed above are in the negative, they will use the subjunctive because they are expressing doubt or uncertainty.

  • il n’est pas certain que + subjonctif
  • il n’est pas sûr que + subjonctif
french subjunctive

The Past Subjunctive

How to form the past subjunctive

For the past subjunctive, you will use the structure of the passé composé and the auxiliary être or avoir at the subjunctive present form.

Exactly like for the passé composé, the verb être is only used in the following cases:

  • with verbs of motion and of staying still: naître/mourir, aller/venir, monter/descendre, arriver/partir, entrer/sortir, rester, retourner, tomber
  • and their related forms such as: revenir, rentrer, remonter, redescendre, repartir.
  • using reflexive verbs


J’ aie vu
Tu aies vu
Il/elle/on aie vu
Nous ayons vu
Vous ayez vu
Ils / elles aient vu


Je sois parti (e)
Tu sois parti (e)
Il/elle/on soit parti (e)
Nous soyons parti (e)s
Vous soyez parti (e)s
Ils / elles soient parti (e)s


Je me sois levé(e)
Tu te sois levé(e)
Il/elle/on se soit levé(e)
Nous nous nous soyons levé(e)s
Vous vous vous soyez levé(e)(s)
Ils / elles se soient levé(e)s

How to form the past subjunctive

  • When the time frame of the subjunctive clause precedes the time frame of the introductory clause, the past subjunctive is used:

Je suis heureuse que tu aies pu venir hier = I am glad that you were able to come over yesterday

C’est dommage qu’ils n’aient pas pris la décision plus vite = It’s a shame they didn’t make the decision quicker

  • Express something you will achieve in the future (note that there is no future of the subjunctive but a past one)

Il faudra que j’aie fini mes devoirs vers 18heures = I’ll have to do my homework by 6pm

J’aimerais qu’elle soit déjà arrivée chez moi = I wish she had already arrived at my place

I hope you’ve found this article useful ! If you’d like to practice with grammar books, I highly recommend publications from CLE International. Their conjugation explanations are spot on and exercices well thought-out. Let me know what you think 🙂 I remain available for all your questions and for private tuition via my Contact page.

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