40 colourful French idioms
We use a wide array of French idioms, and even advanced learners often find new expressions during their studies. In our previous discussions, we enjoyed some tasty food-related idioms, and the good news is that we’ll keep exploring more on this blog! Since many idioms can’t be translated directly, I suggest making flashcards or keeping a notebook to practice them.
Today, I want to add some color to your vocabulary with useful expressions involving le bleu, le vert, and le noir. Let’s explore forty colorful French idioms together!
Table of contents :
- French idioms with white
- French expressions with black and grey
- French idioms with blue
- French expressions with green
- French idioms using red
- French expressions with pink
If you are interested in learning more useful idioms during French conversation classes, feel free to get in touch !

1. French idioms with white
- Etre blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc = the same thing
- Etre blanc comme un linge = to be as white as a ghost
- Etre blanc comme neige = to be pure as the driven snow
- Passer une nuit blanche = to spend a sleepless night
- Passer un examen blanc = to pass a mock exam
- Donner carte blanche à quelqu’un = to let somebody do what they want
- Dire les choses de but en blanc = to say things abruptly, as they are
- Etre connu comme le loup blanc = (to be known as the white wolf) to be well known
- Montrer patte blanche = (to show your white paw) to identify yourself
- Regarder quelqu’un dans le blanc des yeux = to look somebody straight in the eye
2. French idioms with black and grey
- Etre la bête noire = (to be the black beast) to be the person that no one likes, to be someone’s pet peeve
- Jeter un regard noir à quelqu’un = to glare at someone
- Avoir un oeil au beurre noir = to have a black eye
- Avoir des idées noires = to be sad
- Broyer du noir = to brood / mope around
- Travailler au noir/au black = to work illicitly
- Faire du marché noir = to trade on the black market
- C’est écrit noir sur blanc = (it’s written black on white) it’s very clear
- Faire grise mine = (to make a grey face) to pull a long face, to look sad

3. French idioms with blue
- Etre un cordon bleu = to be a good cook
- Etre fleur bleue = to be sentimental
- Avoir une peur bleue = to be scared stiff
- Cuire sa viande bleue = to cook your meat raw
- Aller voir la grande bleue = to go to see the Mediterranean
4. French idioms with green
- Donner le feu vert = to give the green light to someone
- Se mettre au vert = to go to the countryside
- Etre vert de peur = to be frightened to death
- Etre vert de rage = to be furious
- Etre vert de jalousie = to be green with jealousy/envy
- Composer un numero vert = to dial a toll-free number
- Recevoir une volée de bois vert = to be severely criticized

5. French idioms with red
- Etre rouge comme une tomate = to be red as a beetroot
- Etre dans le rouge = to go into overdraft
- Etre rouge de honte = to be shameful
- Avoir une memoire de poisson rouge = (to have a memory of red fish) have little memory
- Dérouler le tapis rouge à quelqu’un = to roll out the red carpet to somebody
- Se fâcher tout rouge = to blow one’s top
6. French idioms with pink
- Voir la vie en rose – to see the good side of things, to be optimistic
- Ne pas sentir la rose = (not smelling like the rose) to stink
- Tout n’est pas rose = (all is not pink) nothing is easy
Do you know more French idioms with colors or have questions on these ones ? Don’t hesitate to send me an email or a private message through my Facebook page
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